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  • "Recall the past - Imprint the present - Plan the future"

  • "We Design the Future"

  • "With vision and Responsibility"

Planitiki S.A
Dynamic Planning & Design

Planitiki S.A. was founded in 1993 by a team of experienced engineers with major share holder Mr. George Antoniou, Surveying Engineer - Civil Engineer and Lawyer, who used to keep a private office since 1973. The company's main activity is providing services to the public and private sector in what concerns the designing and implementation of developing business:

  • Department of Transportation Works and Traffic engineering works
  • Department of National Cadastre and Agrarian Records
  • Department of Technical Assessment and Economic studies
  • Department of Hydraulic Draining and Road Drainage
  • Department of Topographic and City Planning Applications
  • Department of Geographical Information System
  • Department of Digital Photogrammetry
  • Department of Environmental engineering works
  • Department of Consulting

Planitiki S.A. has been certified according to ISO 9001 by TUV AUSTRIA for the Quality Management system in the elaboration of the engineering works, as well as the Consulting Service.

The company's human personnel is composed by more than fifty employees, most of them are engineers with different specializations, such as Surveying Engineers, Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineers, Production and Administration Engineers, Computer Engineers as well as Economists and Lawyers. All of them hold post graduate diplomas, Ms.C.s and Ph.D.s. The company officers, through continuous training regarding matters of specifications, developments and edge technologies are able to sutisfy the highly demanding specifications of engineering works, as well as efficient design and management of the business development.

Planitiki S.A disposes high technology equipment which includes outdoor topographic equipment (GPS, Total-Stations, palmtops, laptops, etc.) and complete office administration systems in both hardware and software, such as Intergraph's Image Station photogrammetric workstations, Photoscan Scanner which is special for aerial photography scanning, Geomedia Professional GIS software for developing and designing geographic information system spatial databases, Microstation designing platform workstations, Intergraph Geomedia KT cadastral systems, Bentley Inroads (Bridge, Site, Survey) and Bentley Inrail software for highway and railway design, as well as Computer Networks/systems and peripherals. These systems secure fast and high quality outcome in the elaboration of the engineering works.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy and methodology in the production of enginnering works and planning of each project is under the fundamental concept:

.....Recall the past
- Imprint the present -
Plan the future.....

In short:

We digitally study the term "to become".

More specifically, our philosophy includes in general, the following actions:

1st action:

Recall of the site history in time and space, collecting all the relative data (history of earthquake events, hydrological and geological data, land pictures, older existing maps, photomaps, satellite pictures, actions for property arrangement, other existing engineering works that concern the same project, etc). All of the above are digitized in separate layers of information

2nd action :

Use of advanced technology, detailed electronic registration and presentation of the existing situation, as well as collection of all studies in progress concerning the project area. All of the above are also digitized in separate layers of informations.

3rd action :

Planning the new project and elaborating engineering works, after the evaluation, comparison, cross-correlation and future projection of the project data. This action follows procedures under a Quality Management System certified by ISO 9001:2000, responding to specification and customer sutisfuction.


Job Opportunities

Please send us your resume via email at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via fax at: 210 64 41 372

Please download the CV below:


"Recall the past
- Imprint the present -
Plan the future"

It would be our pleasure to answer your questions.


23 Alexandroupoleos St. & Kesarias
115 27, Athens
Tel: 210 643 5005, 210 643 5224
Email: mail [at]
Reg. No: 001706301000

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